Saturday, February 26, 2011

Last week before the twins

We are now five days away from the arrival of the twin girls. On the one hand we worry that not everything is ready yet, but on the other hand, it's hard to watch Patti in more and more discomfort. Patti's mom has been helping us with so many things for the past month and we are so grateful.

Here's a picture of Patti before she went off for her last shift at work (last Sunday).

Here's our last family portrait as a threesome (today).

We asked Will today if he wants sisters and he said "no." We asked him later if he wanted the babies to come out so he could say hi to them and he said "yes." We'll see how he feels on Thursday morning when he sees all of the sweet things Patti has done for him at the hospital to make him feel special.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reading with the ladies

The weather in DC today was gorgeous. In the 60s with lots of sunshine and fresh spring air.

Will had a full day of hitting museums with Grammy, riding the Metro, and playing with his friend Sofia. After dinner, he penciled in some time to read with Mama and the twins.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15: Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Will doesn't know it but he celebrated the last Valentine's Day that was solely his. He enjoyed his new Thomas friends and bridge and he was all-around pretty lovable last night. Patti's mom cooked us a delicious steak dinner, Patti put her feet up, and that was about it.

Patti is 36 weeks pregnant now and her doctors are scheduling her c-section because the twins are both breech. After the shock of twins and all of the things that made this pregnancy the opposite of Will's, Patti is handling this latest news better than I'd thought she would.

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011: Super Sunday

Will and Dad capped an incredible NFL season on Sunday night with their Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl. Will is so proud of his "G" shirt and he's quick to identify his team and logo on the screen.

Will gave Dad lots of high fives last night and he even wore his jersey over his pajamas for most of the second half (after it was getting too close for Dad's comfort). When the game ended and Will saw the Packers hugging each other in celebration, he jumped into Dad's arms and gave him a tight hug. Nothing but great memories.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011: Patti's pregnancy so far

Patti is 34 weeks pregnant!

We'll post regular updates on her remaining weeks of pregnancy (hopefully at least four more weeks). Here is a glimpse of Patti's growing belly so far...

Here is Patti at Thanksgiving.

And Christmas.

On January 10th.

On January 26th.

And tonight (check out the stunning new haircut). Looking good Patti!