Thursday, April 18, 2013

Under Contract

After just six days on the market, but following one open house, 22 total showings, three solid offers and days of uprooting the kids, we ratified a good offer yesterday. We are officially "under contract" as sellers!

With an expected May 10th closing date, we're shifting quickly into purchasing mode. We'll fill you in as things progress. For now, it's ice cream for everybody!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cherry blossoms and eating out

Patrick and his coworkers braved the heat yesterday (almost 90!) to venture down to the tidal basin to see the cherry blossoms in peak bloom.  It's one of the nice treats of living and working near the district, and spending quality time out of the office with his extended family never hurts.

We listed our home late yesterday afternoon - hooray - and we had our first showing less than 20 minutes later.  So we packed everyone in the car and headed out for what turned into a picnic at the park near our home.  The kids thought it was the best, even if we knew that we just threw it all together last-minute.  Plus, they got to play in the playground right after dinner which was a treat.

Tonight was another showing so we packed up again and headed off to McDonalds (why does everyone want to see a house at dinnertime?).  Surprisingly, the girls really wanted to sit in the high-chairs there, but they were eating like crazy so that's fine.

We'll keep you posted, but our guess is that we won't be eating out too many more days before the house is sold...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Snow, scoring and growing

We hope to list our home on Thursday so the past few weeks have been a flurry of work, late nights, and not as much time with the kids as they or we would like.  We've still managed to fit in time for some fun, though.

The Monday before Easter, it snowed here.  While the kids didn't get out in it before it was gone the next day, it was pretty.

Will is enjoying his soccer practices every Sunday.  He, and most of the other 4-year-olds, likes running around with the ball more than listening for directions, but it's good to see him having fun with other kids.  Here's links to him practicing today and scoring a goal at practice.  Check out his fist pump after scoring!

We're averaging 2-3 trips to Home Depot each week now as we pack and prep the house for tomorrow's pictures and Thursday's listing.  Will has been quite the helper - always wanting to go with Daddy.