Monday, September 16, 2013

Will is back in school!

Will went back to school last week, and probably not a moment too soon for anyone.  He was getting pretty pent up and he needed to be around other kids his age.  Patrick dropped him off at school and  he hit the ground running (for the sandbox).

When we ask him what he did at school, Will always tells us about his trucks, the sandbox, blocks, etc. but we've found some real gems in the pictures his teacher sends out to all the parents.  These are things he did NOT tell us about but are supercool.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Other discoveries

Saturday afternoon was the 17th annual Carson Street block party - our first as guests.  It was bittersweet hanging out in front of our first home, surrounded by good friends who were our neighbors.  But it was a lot of fun watching the kids run all over the street again.

Shocker - Will was in a car.

Sofia, Maggie and Stella were looking into the old fairy house in front of our old front door.

Sunday morning, Patrick was surprised to see a painted turtle walking through our back yard.  So everyone ran out into the yard in their jammies to discover a neat turtle.  Will and Patrick rescued him and brought him down to the creek a few blocks from the house, where Will let him go.

Port Discovery

Last weekend was full of big discoveries.  Patrick, the kids, and Pop and Mimi spent Saturday morning at Port Discovery in Baltimore.  There was no shortage of running, climbing, exploring and learning.  Just keeping up with them left Patrick, Pop and Mimi pooped.

Stella learned that playing train with a fake ticket booth and tickets is fun.

The Wizard of Oz exhibit was a treat for the kids, and heck of a conversation starter (try explaining that movie to little kids who haven't seen it)....

Will learned how pedaling can make other things spin.

Maggie learned how to push buttons to make other things happen.

The girls enjoyed brushing the cowardly lion's mane.

Patrick showed the kids how to build a rainbow.

Pop and Mimi learned where Port Discovery is and how fun it is.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Mimi's Birthday

Mimi and Pop are visiting this week so we were so fortunate to be able to celebrate Mimi's birthday with her on Wednesday.  Will got to spend quality time with her while the girls were in school, they all got to play a bit later, cupcakes were enjoyed after lunch, and then everyone pitched in to help Mommy make her delicious chocolate cupcakes.

After a delicious pasta dinner, everyone serenaded Mimi and she blew out her candle (she is 1, we can't believe it).  Will may have lent a hand blowing out the candle.

While enjoying their second round of cupcakes for the day, Stella and Will challenged each other to see who could get messier.  Stella won.

Maggie & Stella's first day of school!

Wednesday was Maggie and Stella's first day of nursery school - unbelievable!  They weren't sure what to make of the rush, rush, rush at the breakfast table, but they were happy to get dressed up, grab their backpacks, and pose for some pictures at home.

Their first day was just one hour long, with a parent, so Patti got to enjoy with the girls what Patrick enjoyed with Will nearly two years ago.  At school, the girls took right to playing so we're hopeful that next week - without a parent - will go just as well.