Just when we get things back to normal this year, we have a snow day. Montgomery County is HUGE so while we only get a dusting, up-county gets inches and the kids get two-hour delays. But two-hour delays mean a day off when nursery school is only three hours long. So once a week this year, we've rearranged schedules, dropped appointments, etc. to accommodate last-minute school closures over an inch or less of snow.
Thursday was the exception. We got a legitimate 12 inches of snow overnight, followed by freezing rain all day, followed by another 2 inches of snow. Schools were closed, the government shut down, and we enjoyed a good old-fashioned snow day.
The kids were DYING to get outside so before lunch we burned them out with sledding, making a snowgirl, snowballs, and more. The kids were hilarious in the snow and it was just a nice family moment together.