Sunday, May 8, 2011

Truck Touch

We spent Saturday morning at a truck touch at Will's nursery school. Will LOVES every possible kind of truck, but he gets really shy around them when he gets a chance to actually see one. He was better than last year, but he still didn't want to climb right in, honk the horns, etc.

That didn't stop him from checking out the front-end loader.

Dad had to coerce Will into the dump truck, even though the county's yellow dump trucks are a constant topic of conversation whenever Will is outside. He helped Dada honk the horn, though, and he thought that was pretty cool.

Will remembered sitting in the driver's seat of the mail truck from last year and he climbed right in.

Will loved checking out the fire engine with Pop, who was visiting again this weekend. We asked Will which truck he liked the most and he said it was the fire engine (he didn't actually say so but he made the siren noise and pointed right at it).

ps: Check out Will's shirt...