Saturday, December 10, 2011

Will's potty-training: Day One

We've been talking about it for weeks and marking the days off of the calendar and now it's here - Will's potty-training weekend! Three days of Patrick and Will trying to make the magic happen!

Despite weeks of talking about it with Will, Friday morning started off scary. Will flat out refused to go into the bathroom until we bribed him with the promise of treats and movies. From that point on, however, he was an A+ student.

Will went all day Friday without a diaper or pants so that he could feel if he was beginning to go. Despite our worst fears, he didn't have a single accident. We tried to use the potty every 30 minutes and he went pee all but two times. Better still, he ran up to us and told us that he had to pee three times. He was so proud of his successes.

Best of all, Patrick got to spend an entire day playing with Will. No work, no twins, no housework - just Will and Will LOVED that. So the plan for day two is more of the same, and hopefully Will will poop. He REALLY had to yesterday but he told Patrick that he was scared. It didn't hurt his appetite though so we're expecting something today...