Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ethiopian for five please

Today was Patti's ideal type of day - beautiful weather, fresh fruit and veggies from the farmer's market, successfully running errands, actually getting things done at home, working in the garden, ice cream sandwiches with Will. Then we tempted fate by going out for Ethiopian at our favorite place with the entire family...

Turned out to be perfect. The girls fell asleep in their car seats and didn't wake until we were paying the bill. Will was a hoot picking his favorites off the plate with his injera, and flirting with our waitress (we have to admit that he's very, very good). Will has always been fantastic at this place, though, and we have looked forward to having tonight's meal for months so it was a real treat. That the girls didn't put on a show only made it more perfect.

Will dabbles in a little of everything but his favorite is the kik alicha (yellow split peas). We turn the platter so that they're closest to him on the table and he's happy as a clam.

Earlier in the day, the girls napped on the chair together. They're too young to sleep on their tummies so we never leave them that way unattended but they sleep so peacefully that way that it's hard not to take advantage of it. Plus, they're just so darn cute together.