Friday, July 8, 2011

Where the magic happens

Maggie and Stella have taken a great interest in crying whenever they've gone a few minutes without being held. That makes doing just about anything challenging, including posting here.

Will, on the other hand, has been pretty good this week. He finally started saying "red" (instead of "stop"), he began saying "teamwork" and he loves saying it as he helps bring us diapers and things for the girls, he's perfected the art of catching fireflies without squishing them (usually), and he has started using the potty to go pee.

On Tuesday night, Will asked to go pee on the big potty and after a book or two, he got it done. Later that night he asked again and made it happen. Same thing on Wednesday morning and once on Thursday. So while he's not doing it all the time, and while he hasn't asked to go poop yet, every time is a step in the right direction.