Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will is 3!

We were freaking out a little yesterday afternoon as we watched snow and sleet coming down for an hour or two, but today turned out to be perfect for Will's third birthday. It was sunny and a balmy high 40s but Will didn't mind at all.

We decked the yard in a Thomas/train theme. Patrick dressed up as Sir Topham Hatt. Grandma, Mimi and Pop were all here. Will dug his homemade train signs and train tracks leading up to the house. Check out the new slideshow for more pictures.

Will's friends played with our homemade trains (they were very fun while they lasted, which wasn't long...). Only Toby survived the afternoon intact.

Patti rocked the yard with themed goodies and cake. We're overly proud of the "3".

Most importantly, Will had a blast running around with his friends. He's been fighting a cold for the last few days and being cooped up all day yesterday was rough on him. He ran and ran and ran, and then ran some more. He even made sure to say goodbye to all his friends when they left and to say "thanks for coming!"