Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 22: Sledding with Will

We got an inch of snow Friday night and some freezing rain after that so the ground was nice and frozen all weekend. Patrick and Will ventured out to the sledding hill at the end of our street for Will's first sledding adventure.

Will loved getting all bundled up and out of the house (without his sisters). Check out his cool boots and snow pants.

Daddy and Will slid down together from the very top of the hill. Daddy had to apply the brakes (his feet) near the bottom to keep them from flying across the next street and into the park. Will screamed like a little girl near the bottom and then erupted into laughs and cries for more!

Will got to go down the bottom part by himself a couple of times after Daddy made the mistake of letting him go most of the way down alone. Check out the video for that disaster (Patrick dove into a wet ditch to stop Will from crossing the street....).