Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oh, happy day!

Thursday: A challenging day to say the least! But, by late afternoon after nap time for all, we had a fun play date with Sofia and Nele and ended the day well.

Friday: We're not the type of people to follow horoscopes, but our stars and planets must be aligning! The girls took a short morning nap. I managed to get them from the nursing position on the couch to floor...still asleep and cuddling with each other.

After a few errands, the girls fell asleep in the car and continued their nap for 2 hours in their carseats. Will & I got to have lunch, TV time, & nap tuck in all to ourselves while the girls slumbered away.

Then, to top off the day, I got put on-call for work. That meant Patrick & Will got to spend some quality time together, so they decided to paint a train. Despite Will's lingering cold and "sicky" eyes he had a great time.

Oh, what a happy day!!!