Monday, April 2, 2012

Two walkers now

Stella took her first steps on Friday night. She'd taken one small side shuffle a few weeks ago, but this was her first real attempt to walk. She took two good steps toward Patrick and then Maggie, Will, Mom and Dad erupted into applause. Stella just smiled and sat down like she'd done it all before.

On Saturday, she took four steps in a row. On Sunday, she took five steps and today she took a short stroll. Check it out here, and please see the two new videos on the left.

On Saturday, Will helped Daddy plant the new azaleas next to the new fence. We've been trying our hardest to keep him busy and burning off energy because he's been a real handful the last few days. If it's doing something he really likes, then all the better.

Check out Daddy's little helper...