Saturday, May 26, 2012

Port Discovery

Patti was on-call last night and she never got called in so we made the most of her extra time with us.  Check out Stella and Maggie cuddling and seeking Patti's approval in the new "Feeling the love" video to the left!

We took advantage of her extra time with us this morning and took the whole family to Port Discovery in Baltimore.  It's a hands-on, stroller-friendly playing and learning environment with something for everyone.  Maggie and Stella even got to play and walk in one section while Will explored nearby.

We watched ourselves on TV in the mission control section.  Will even shared the captain's chair with the girls.

Patrick and Patti took turns climbing and crawling through the main exhibit with Will - a three-story jungle-gym/treehouse/play-area.  There were tunnels, ladders and slides with one creative way after another to exit the treehouse into each of the three levels of the museum.

Will met a human-sized Mr. Potato Head, he played in the train, with the golf-ball locomotion machine, in the water center, in the pyramid, in the spaceship airlock and more.  Will could have spent the entire day playing in the water center - it had spray nozzles to shoot drums, chimes and cymbals with water and make music.  There were opportunities to learn about the water cycle, to make dams and locks in a small water system, and to use water to turns wheels and gears.  He was so cute in his little blue raincoat walking from one learning opportunity to another.

The girls seemed to like certain things but they were too small for all but one or two parts of the museum.  Next year they'll probably be running everywhere too...