Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Grandma's visit - part 3

Patti got a brief shopping trip by herself on Saturday when Grandma, Patrick and the kids went "hiking."  The weather was beautiful, the kids were perfect listeners and so kind to one another (constantly sharing acorns with one another), and we saw so many things in just over an hour - a fox, a water snake, a snapping turtle,a skink, a bittern, and an Eastern Box Turtle.  The girls thought it was funny that it could close completely, and Will wanted to be like Daddy so he picked it up for a second.

Saturday night we went out for Ethiopian food - another thing that's easier with an extra set of hands.  The kids ate their favorite (yellow split peas) and we gorged on everything else.

Then it was off for some ice cream!

Patti had to work on Sunday night so Grandma got to spend lots of time playing with the kids - including countless "horsey" rides of the kids around the playroom.  And she and Patrick got to spend a lot of time catching up after the kids went to bed.  It was so wonderful to see the kids take to her right away and want to spend every second with her.  Will's first question after Patrick got back from the airport was "when can we go visit Grandma?".