Sunday, March 23, 2014

Peace Corps Day at SSNS

The Peace Corps has three main goals.  To paraphrase them:
1. Provide technical assistance to a host country when requested.
2. Teach people in that country about the US and its culture and values.
3. Teach people in the US about the culture and values of the country of service.

As part of our "third goal" responsibilities, Patti and I spoke to Will's class about our experience in Kenya.  Will proudly showed everyone where Kenya was on a map.

We spent part of the morning speaking about how kids in Kenya do many of the same things that they do, but differently.  We read a children's book about the Maasai, sang a children's song in Swahili, and brought plenty of our animal photos for the kids to take home. We also showed how some kids in Kenya get to school matatu-style.

Patrick and friends finished making a soccer ball out of old plastic bags.  It honestly turned out better than we expected but we really needed another 20-30 bags because it's only a little bigger than a softball now.

Will and mommy separated all of the animals into "Africa" and "not Africa" piles.  Will was so proud that we both co-oped that day - the smile you see here never left his face.  It was so touching to hear him telling his friends "that's my daddy" and "that's my mommy" when we were doing anything.

Will lost his first tooth!

Will slipped on the ice at school a month ago and one of his bottom teeth (the first or second one that came in) was instantly very, very loose.  Finally, after about two weeks of waiting, it fell out on its own right as guests were arriving for Stella and Maggie's party (March 8th).  Will rushed into the living room among the first guests and proudly exclaimed "my tooth just fell out!"

Will's last picture with all his original teeth (plus another look at Patti's birthday party handiwork):

And 10 minutes later, minus one tooth.

Patti whipped up a super cool felt tooth to hold Will's tooth and the tooth fairy rewarded him with a $1 coin.  Will thought the whole chain of events was pretty amazing, and we're amazed that our little guy is growing up so fast.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Maggie & Stella's birthday party

Stella and Maggie were joined by all of their classmates at our home to celebrate their birthday last weekend.  It was a Doc McStuffins extravaganza!  Patti went above and beyond the usual excess by making homemade stethoscopes, ID badges, headbands, etc. so that the kids could give our toys a check-up.  The food was fantastic, the kids were happy, and we pulled off another birthday party in the new house.

Patrick asked the girls for a picture right before their friends arrived and both girls struck a pose.  Not sure where that came from.

Will and the older brother of one of the girls' classmates buddied up and played in Will's room for much of the party.  They had lots in common - Legos, Star Wars, soccer - and they had a good time while the girls had their perfect party downstairs.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Stella and Maggie are 3!

It's hard to believe that our beloved Stella and Maggie were born three years ago this morning.  They've charmed us, they've tested us, and they are their own independent little ladies now.  We couldn't love them more.

Making their birthday today more special was the fact that we spent it together. Thanks to a modest three inches of snow, the federal government was closed and Patrick got to spend the day at home.  Patti took Sunday night off of work so she was home (and well-rested).  Will played the part of good big brother last night and today, which is something of a departure for him lately, but it was so sweet.  He drew the girls a Doc McStuffins birthday card last night, he wished them a happy birthday the instant he saw them this morning, he helped them open gifts today, and he really didn't whine about the attention going elsewhere.

Grandma and Aunt Jessi's family added to the growing Doc McStuffins collection, Will got them singing/flashing Doc McStuffins microphones (love them already), there were duplos and crayons, and Patti made them dresses and baby carriers.

Stella didn't know what to make of the birthday candle pancakes this morning.  She was totally up for her birthday cake later, though.

Opening presents from Grandma and Aunt Jessi's family.  Lots of Doc McStuffins to add to the collection.

Homemade baby carriers - made from the sling THEY were carried in...

Birthday cake after dinner.

Pop and Mimi arrive tomorrow for round two of celebrations.  And the girls' party is on Saturday with their classmates here at the house.  Expect more Doc McStuffins...