Sunday, March 23, 2014

Will lost his first tooth!

Will slipped on the ice at school a month ago and one of his bottom teeth (the first or second one that came in) was instantly very, very loose.  Finally, after about two weeks of waiting, it fell out on its own right as guests were arriving for Stella and Maggie's party (March 8th).  Will rushed into the living room among the first guests and proudly exclaimed "my tooth just fell out!"

Will's last picture with all his original teeth (plus another look at Patti's birthday party handiwork):

And 10 minutes later, minus one tooth.

Patti whipped up a super cool felt tooth to hold Will's tooth and the tooth fairy rewarded him with a $1 coin.  Will thought the whole chain of events was pretty amazing, and we're amazed that our little guy is growing up so fast.