Thursday, October 16, 2014

Los pollitos

Will has really surprised us with his progress in his Spanish-immersion Kindergarten.  He still ebbs and flows between insisting that he doesn't speak Spanish to rattling off 1-29 in Spanish.  If you asked him today if he speaks Spanish, he'd probably say yes.

So tonight was Spanish heritage night at his school and his Kindergarten class had to sing "Los Pollitos" in Spanish.  So one download from iTunes and dozens and dozens of mind-sticking plays later, Will and his class sang it tonight in front of a packed gymnasium.

Will was petrified and crying about this just a week ago but he bravely went up there and sang as much of it as he knew (just like everyone else).  Please click here to mostly see and sort of hear his class singing.  We might turn into the rest of the parents in Will's school who stand up and tape everything, but not tonight.