Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week in review

Sorry for the slow posting week. Maggie and Stella are still eating and sleeping regularly and burning through diapers, Will is still acting up every now and then but less than could be expected, and Patti and Patrick still aren't getting enough sleep to function like adults.

Patti, Bonnie and the kids all headed out to the National Zoo this week. It was the girls' first trip to the zoo, and Will's first trip this year. Will had a good time running around, and Patti and Bonnie enjoyed the sun and fresh air.

Later in the week, Bonnie took Will for a hike. Will reported seeing geese and ducks, among other things. He LOVES being outdoors and it's not surprising that he listens and behaves a LOT better when he's outside without his sisters. Needless to say, we're all looking forward to many more nice days so we can be outdoors as much as possible...