Sunday, April 10, 2011

Will woes

Will has been something for the past two days. Whether it's a case of the terrible twos (because he's two) or a case of the terrible twos (the twins), we don't know, but he's been pretty terrible in the listening department. Scaring the girls, yelling near them when they're sleeping, almost hitting them with his toys. Good times for us, and lots of "NO's!"

Among the craziness, Will and Dad did some painting. It was Will's first painting with a brush and he seemed to really like it. Maybe it was just that the girls weren't around.

We bought a set of four unfinished Thomas trains a while back but Will wasn't keen about changing them at all. But in the heat of painting tonight, Dad got Will to paint one of them to look like the dairy cars that Will likes. Dad painted it white and then Will did the spots. I'm sure it will join the rest of Will's fleet first thing in the morning.