Saturday, June 11, 2011


We know what you were thinking. No postings since Patrick was home alone with the kids. Well rest assured that all is fine!

Stella and Maggie are more and more aware of each other, and of the rest of the goings on in the house. They respond to Patrick, Patti and Will's voices and their eyes and heads track everyone else passing by them. They check each other out after feedings and they have begun to smile at each other and at Will (Patrick is still convinced that they are telepathic and smiling at each other's mental comments).

Patti is getting better at taking self-portraits. Check out these two winning pictures. The girls think they're pretty fantastic.

And here is Will. He wanted to bring some of his toys in his backpack when he went out with Mimi and Pop yesterday. He ended up wearing it every time he went outside.

ps: That smile says "I'm getting away from the girls. Hooray!"