Friday, June 3, 2011


Tonight was Patti's second night back at work, but Patrick's first night completely alone with Will, Maggie and Stella. Patrick is too burnt out to offer anything witty at this point so here's some pictures.

We went for a walk. Will likes the front seat now that we can carry either one of the girls in the Bjorn.

Here's proof for Patti in case she checks this at work that the girls are fine. Not sure why Maggie (left) looks so shocked. This was right after their first feeding when Patrick fed each of them independently because Stella was sort of napping.

One bottle for everyone.

Here are the girls during the second feeding when they were very much awake and very much hungry at the same time. Patrick will definitely be looking into other ways to feed them at the same time because this didn't work well for anyone...

Here's today's update on Will's pole beans. They've really grown since they were planted on Sunday and Will get pretty fired up when he sees how they've grown.