Monday, September 19, 2011

Misery loves company

This weekend was a mess. Will caught a cold from a classmate at school (he's only been in school for four hours) and then he gave it to Patrick and Patti. Will was recovering by Friday and good by Saturday but Patrick and Patti were in bad shape by Friday afternoon and feverish by Saturday.

Topping it all off, Maggie and Stella had their 6-month shots on Friday morning (four shots each). Here's the before shot - one of Patti's coworkers made the sweaters for the girls.

Here's the after shot- eight band-aids between them. Stella had a bad reaction to the shots and had a fever of 102 by late Friday night. Maggie was wiped out on Saturday and both were hot, clammy unhappy girls all Saturday. Right when mommy and daddy were feeling lousy too. All the girls did was eat, want to eat, or want to be held.

Will, of course, was better by Saturday and enjoying cookies. The little guy is old enough to understand that we were all sick and I think he took it easy on us for a change.