Friday, September 30, 2011

We're alive

We are tired but still pushing through one day at a time. Will is loving school and telling us all about it. The girls are eating more food every day, but no less mama milk, so Patti isn't getting much of a break.

Here's the five of us when no one was crying (a rarity).

Here's Maggie and Stella enjoying some floor time with Patrick after work this week. It still boggles us when people ask if they're identical...

The girls are loving Will's old exersaucer and the one Patti bought from a multiples group. All of the extra stimulation is doing them well. Will, of course, wants to play with everything too - particularly the extra noisy pieces.

Maggie digs this one too.

Will inherited Patrick's love of Doritos. He definitely doesn't get them often so he treats them like a big deal. He even spontaneously thanked Patrick for giving some of them to him.