Thursday, November 17, 2011

2 out of 3 ain't bad

The quality of each day seems to be measured in how the kids sleep and whether they're all asleep at the same time. By the end of the day everyone is exhausted, but getting all 3 to nap in the afternoon is a rare occasion unless we do the nurse-n-nap routine with the girls. On Wednesday afternoon, I got 2 out 3 to sleep and enjoyed some one-on-one time with Stella.

Will still takes a 2-3 hour nap each day and when he doesn', it makes for a long, painful evening. Today, after a busy day at school and some play time in his room Will finally fell asleep (on the floor). Meanwhile, Maggie slept on the couch for hours (usually its minutes).

And Stella and I played on the floor, practicing her new skill of crawling (albeit still very rudimentary) and perfecting that ear-to-ear smile of hers.

Quality forecast for the evening: enjoyable!

And as an added bonus, the girls slept through the night from 10pm - 6am.