Monday, November 14, 2011

Goin' on a hike!

The kids were tiring us out last week and Patti and I needed to get out of the house. On our way back from a diaper run on Saturday, we stopped and took a short hike as a family. Patti slung Maggie and Patrick Bjorn'ed Stella. Will was very proud to be leading us around without being carried.

One of Will's shows had a hiking episode recently and Will must have repeated one of its lines - "Goin on a hike!" about a hundred times (maybe more). He was so cute, though. We had him collect different leaves that he liked so that he could compare and contrast them at home later. He told us all of the different colors he saw on trees. He pointed out tree roots to us. It was pretty awesome.

These huge leaves were elephant ears on Will a second before this shot.

Patrick likes this trail a lot because it reminds him of home. He and his cousin spent most of their time in the woods near streams and creeks. He's thrilled that Will seems to like it a lot too.