Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This was our first Christmas as a five-some, and while the work was worth it, it was WORK.

We stayed up very late the night before finishing off presents and making the home ready for Santa. Patrick and Will said their goodbyes to Will's elf on the shelf. Finally, the cookies were ready, the presents were under the tree and we got ready to see the kids' reactions.

Will only got as far as the stockings and innocently was happy enough with what he found there. Only when he chased a toy across the room did he notice everything under the tree. The look on his face was priceless.

We spent the entire morning opening stockings, presents from Santa and presents from our family. It was a great excuse to spend the morning in our pajamas.

Patti's parents arrived Christmas afternoon bearing even more gifts for the kids. It was great fun watching them explore each new thing - especially the noisy ones. Contrary to the week leading up to Christmas, Will was patient, loving and gentle.

Maggie was into EVERYTHING and Stella was fighting a fever so the night was interesting. Poor Stella was miserable (but not crying). She sat and watched the night unfold around her. Maggie was trying to get into everything, pulling herself up next to presents, and wanting to see what Will was doing.

It was a VERY merry Christmas!