Saturday, December 24, 2011

Still alive

We've been too sick or tired (or sick and tired of each other) to post lately but here's a general update heading into the Christmas weekend. Will is doing OK with the potty training - averaging one accident a day (always when Patrick is at work). He won't let our sitter change him after accidents either, so that's a problem. Will has been more or less a terror this week for Patti - not listening, not picking up anything, aggressively taking his toys away from the girls, and then there was the biting incident. Stella was in her exersaucer and Will walked up and bit her hand. He didn't break the skin but you could see every one of his teeth hours and hours later.

Stella has been fighting a cold all week (we all have but her's remains). Because of that or not, she's been waking up every few hours during the night. Maggie often sleeps through it, but not always.

The five of us "picked out" our Christmas tree last Saturday and Will had lots of fun racing through the trees.

Because the whole minivan was full of Carey's we had to tie our tiny tree to the roof. All that room and we can't even fit a little tree in the van...

Stella and Maggie are getting more and more mobile by the minute. They still prefer the Navy Seal style shimmy across the floor, but we catch them on all fours from time to time. They love to scoot over to whatever Will is doing - much to his dismay. We're already challenged in keeping them away from things.

Stella has even been pulling herself up once she reaches something. She likes to kneel but she'll sometimes stand all the way up for a spell.