Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cherry blossoms!

With planning that would rival a Shuttle launch, we successfully got everyone down to the National Mall today to see the cherry blossoms. After breakfast, we rangled everyone into pinks and reds and off we went.

Will only wanted to fly his kite and he said he wouldn't be in pictures, but he happily obliged anyway. Here's the big brother and his little sweeties.

We have pictures of Will with the blossoms when he was one and in our mind's eye we really wanted similar pictures of the girls in the blooms. We're very happy to get these of Stella and Maggie. Ironically, Stella did all of the smiling today while Maggie was the serious one.

There was almost no wind on the Mall so Will had to produce his own. He was SO proud when this took off.

We have very few pictures of the five of us so we're excited to get this one (on a timer, no less). The trip was so tiring, and a little stressful, but so very rewarding.