Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sunny, with a chance of tears

Spring has definitely sprung in Silver Spring and Wednesday was no exception. There were a few cloudy patches that brought showers of tears though. The girls got off to a tough start of crying hysterically when our sitter came and Patti headed upstairs to get ready (separation anxiety has set in). That continued until it was time for Patti & Will to leave for school, but luckily a stroller ride to the park made life without mom tolerable. Everyone made it through the morning, but Will definitely had the most fun. Here are a few photos of him busily playing at school.

The evening had its rough patches too, with fits of crying from Stella & Maggie. Mostly a combination of being tired, teething, and just getting over a bad stomach bug.

Will remained in good, happy spirits after getting to help Daddy in the back yard with the new fence, a short walk down the street to see the digger, and a full reading of his new "Highlights" magazine.

Thursday's forecast: just sunny, no tears.