Sunday, March 13, 2011

First baths

The girls got their first "bath" on Thursday night. Like Will, they are way too small for their infant tub so they got their first washes in the kitchen sink. Neither of them cared for the sponge bath but they both liked getting their hair rinsed. Will reacted exactly the same way, if you remember:

Stella was the first victim, I mean twin, to get clean.

Maggie was next.

Will, as always, wanted to be a part of the action. He was quick to give them hugs after they were dried off and dressed. He knew he was going to get a "big boy" tubby the next night.

The girls cried a fair amount while they were getting cleaned up. In his concern, Will lined up every vehicle in the house for a parade to show to Stella and Maggie when they were finished.