Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring children

Sorry for the long delay in posting, but we've been sidelined by lots of eating and sleeping (mostly by Stella and Maggie). Will has also been a little less than cooperative the last few days and that's not something we usually take pictures of...

We enjoyed the unseasonably warm temps this weekend to get the kids outside for short, covered jaunts. Here's some shots of the girls outside in clothes that Patrick's coworkers bought for them (thank you!!).

Bonnie joined us for a walk with the kids on Friday. We walked along Sligo Creek to the pond where Patrick and Will watch turtles, but they haven't surfaced yet. Will enjoyed trying to push the girls in the stroller (two in one for the time being).

Patrick and Will took a long walk in the woods so that Will could have some special time alone. He saw lots of ducks, animal tracks, and some birds. Plus, he loved crawling up some steep hills.

On Saturday, Patrick and Will dug up a holly tree seedling that was under our azalea plant. They transplanted it to a pot that's now proudly displayed on the kitchen table. Will is crazy about digging now, and this 15-minute project with digging bought us an entire evening without having to hear "dig" "dig" every minute.