Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trucks, haircuts and ice cream

Will woke up to the sound of construction on our street this morning so he and Patrick investigated. Will got to watch two of his favorite things - digging and dumping - before he even had breakfast today. We watched them dig up and dump part of our street for a good 20 minutes today and Will kept signing for "more," "more," "more."

After breakfast, the entire clan was off to run errands (pictures to follow tomorrow). Will needed a haircut more than daddy so he very unwillingly got his hair cut today. We've been to this place twice before and Will was an angel - but not today. He fought tooth and nail NOT to be in the place today but the end result was good. All it took was daddy's lap, mama's hand, a sucker, some weird kids movie, and a meltdown.

As a reward, Patti and Will split some ice cream. Check out Will's big brother haircut.