Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cherry blossoms, plus Will lost his second tooth

This morning we made a surgical strike against the Tidal Basin and the cherry blossoms.  We didn't make the effort to get down to them last year because we were consumed with selling the old home, and we regretted it, so we took our only opportunity this year (this morning) and ran with it.

Will got us up extra early so we hit the road, parked where we could, and hoofed it down to the tidal basin for 10 minutes of pictures.  Then we speed-walked back to the minivan and drove straight to Will's soccer practice.  Not a minute to spare and we even managed to get a great family picture.

Between lunch and naptime Will rushed in and told Patrick that he'd lost his second tooth!  It had been loose for two weeks so it's no real surprise but it's still shocking to see our little guy missing two of his front teeth.