Saturday, April 12, 2014

No more snow

This winter has been crazy with snow and snow days.  Like we said in earlier posts, if school is delayed our kids don't have school at all because they don't come in for an hour or less.  So the kids have had a day off of school on average every two weeks.  Very odd for Maryland.

So here is a breakdown of the March snow days:

March 3rd:  Surprise snow day plus government closure so Patrick got to spend the girls' birthday with them.

March 17th:  Happy St. Patrick's Day to us!  Another snow day plus Patrick was home because the government shut down.  He swears he didn't drink a Guinness until the afternoon...

Patrick and the kids had loads of fun in the backyard as mommy slept off her night shift.

And they discovered icicles...

March 25th:  Another dusting but enough to shut down the schools.  Patrick braved the 2 inches and somehow managed to get to work.

March 30th:  After 12 hours of hard rain, it started to snow while Will and Patrick were braving the elements.  It was nearly 60 the next day and it hasn't come close to freezing since.  Whew!