Saturday, April 12, 2014

Surprise trip to the National Aquarium

On Saturday the 22nd, Patti was able to come home early (in the middle of the night) so we surprised the kids with a rare family Saturday outing.  It had been a while so we headed up to the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

The girls still love the dolphins and we had our own private window for a few minutes so Maggie and Stella were in heaven.

Will wanted to see the jellyfish again.  He still talks about the one that stung daddy last summer (and that daddy caught and buried on the beach....)

The one-finned turtle paid Patti and the kids a special visit.  They're harder to see in this video, but that's them in front.  Stella was pretty scared but Maggie and Will thought it was very special.

Afterward, we enjoyed a delicious seafood lunch on the harbor.

And the neighboring storefront had a life-size Bumblebee replica for whatever reason so Will lost his mind.

So all in all, a complete departure from the usual Dad and kids running errands on a Saturday, and the kids had a blast.