Sunday, August 14, 2011

Carson Street Camping

Patrick has been crazy busy at work so he and Will planned to camp out in the backyard on Saturday night. Will "helped" put the tent together on Monday and they talked about it all week. Of course it poured all Saturday but Will kept talking about it - "Will and Dada sleep outside in green thing?" It stopped raining right before Will's bedtime so they gave it a shot.

Will did such a great job! We read a few books with our flashlights, Will looked out the windows, and we listened to all of the neighborhood bugs. Patrick had to make a quick run to the house for Will's new train, but once he had that (and 30 minutes of tossing and turning), Will went right to sleep.

The rain held out until around 6:00 this morning and Will slept peacefully. Then it got hard enough that it started getting in the tent so at 6:30 we proudly ran back into the house.

Will was quite the happy, huggy little guy in the tent and he told Patrick (in the tent) that he really liked sleeping there. Of course when he was snuggled up to Patti on the couch, Will said that he wants to sleep in his bed in his room. So we're all happy with how things turned out.