Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cell phone heat beating

This week continues our trend of 90-100 degree heat. Too hot to take the girls outside when they're fussing and too hot for Will to play outside. The heat index has been over 100 for what seems like two weeks straight.

Here's how we've been beating the heat - all taken with our cellphone cameras....

Stella and Maggie have been chilling in the AC and watching our tree out the window.

Will has been playing ice cream truck with what used to be one of his firetrucks. He brings his schoolkids from another toy up to the truck and they take turns asking for ice cream. It's pretty awesome.

The girls have taken an interest in books (and anything else within a meter or two of them).

This morning, Will and Patti made cookies together. Will LOVES helping in the kitchen. Coincidentally, this is about the only time today that Will didn't have a bloody nose from picking...

Stay cool everyone!