Wednesday, August 10, 2011

More cell phone pictures

We still haven't bothered to replace our camera battery, so here are some more cellphone pictures of the girls.

Patti gave Stella and Maggie a sponge bath in their co-sleeper (we don't usually let them lay around naked). They really seemed to like rolling around in their sleeper.

Stella is smiling more and more every day.

Maggie and Stella tend to end up rolling onto one another, kicking or pushing off of the other, or munching on each other's hands. Then it's a race to see who cries first.

Our friends let us borrow their Bumbo so that we can let Stella and Maggie sit around for a change. What a difference! They could look all around the room, see each other, play with things on their trays... We'll probably try setting up their high-chairs soon so that they can watch us at the table. Dinner time is when they seem to fuss the most but when they can see us, they tend to stop. You should see them smile, coo and laugh at Will when they sit with us at the table.